Chuck Mayo

My Travels, Photos and Words


July 4th week in Whitewater.

Interesting looking salvage yard

My kind of Barn Picture

Two barns, both needing a lot of repair.

I like the yellow house and the picture to the right is just a shot of a lake no longer there. It used to go to the tree line and will once again.

Several Flower shots shall apear next.

A Boat House in need of a little help.

My Trailer on location for the 4th of July

Time for a flower

A different view.  And yes that is a rail road track right next to my trailer.

Yes, there is no fishing in the weeds

A Cat Tail to the left and above is the dam they opened and are going to close making the lake once again.  

Another flower

That little bitty light off in the center is a train on the way.

Getting closer

Running 45 to 50 mph, someone must of complained, it slowed somewhat the next day.

Interesting resting spot

                    And the train now flying low has my trailer a shaking.  








Just a few interesting Fireworks shots.

A low view of the Railroad tracks


To end this page a fitting picture