Chuck Mayo

My Travels, Photos and Words


An interesting day of pictures.  close up deer, realy neat looking roots, and couple shots of the vegitation shooting across the Suanee River.  I tried finding the correct spelling of Suannee, no luck, it is spelled two different ways in the brochurs.  More about the turtle and cat down below.    


A neat looking, "What is it".

Used the "it" to end the sentance for somebodies benefit

Turtle is not big enough for soup. He was one of many the young man caught while they were trying to steal his bait.

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On the right is the neatest photo of the day, "an Albino Bob Cat", he was really that close to me.  When he heard the camera click he shot off before I could not get a second shot, and it repeats quickly!

Turtles and a bird in the same frame, they seem to be turning their backs on each other.

And its only fair that I point out the one I'm kidding about the it ending sentances's, her husband is the one who constantly corrected mine as will as the spelling.