Chuck Mayo

My Travels, Photos and Words


Over lap of days because one of my camara's date is wrong.  These pictures cover the last days in Wisconsin for this year and the trip home. Both trips as I brought back the mini donut as will as the camper.  

Dinner Time

Nice looking barn.

Toliet Paper trees, Several of them around this time of year.

I just like seeing a dead tree once in a while and the birds love eating the bugs that live in them.

I left the Interstate and went down through land between the lakes in Kentucky and Tennessee.  Once there I drove through an area that is supposed to have wild Buffaloe and Elk.  I only saw a lot of Turkeys, but enjoyed driving through anyway.  The next few pictures are from in the gated and fenced area.  

On the road, Proof there is really Buffalo in here.

Those Dots in the distance are wild Turkeys.

Two more shots of the sme flock and the pictures below are blow ups using the computer.  

Once out of the paid reserve I came to an area where they roam a valley, fenced, freely.  There were two clole to the fence and then a heard out in an open field.  

Back to the barns

Hard to show how steep the hills really are.  

Till Tomorrow.