Chuck Mayo

My Travels, Photos and Words


Includes photos taken during Lake Mills and the days leading up to Whitewater, Wisconsin.

A Nice Red Barn with a ramp in.

Interesting old building??

Yellow Barn

Dairy Farm

A Large Dairy Farm

Old farm with old buildings

House might of been made with stones plowed up in a field.

Lots of barns on this farm.

Old in t he front and new in the back.

Red barn behind the trees.

108 ft long and 14 wide.  Only load I've worked this summer.

Just a nice looking set of barns.

Cash dosn't want to watch, Buzz are you really going to try this.

Here's Buzz in the air, yes he really did this.  Not to sucsesful but no broken bones.  

The Midway after dark right after another rain.

Night turned out alright though

A Yellow flower, a Yellow Bud and a leaf with rain drops holding on.

Lots of flowers, on of my favorite subjects.

The creek that turned the Mill Paddle Wheel  Lake Mills was named for.  

Sun set over a lake. As it goes down and after it sets.

Back to the barns

A barn with 2 silos and 2 silos standing alone.

Same barn, two views.

One barn with a dropping roof line and another with a green roof.

And finish the day with a pretty redish silo.